
The EDUSCIENCE project at its testing stage was directed to more than 1000 teachers and over 5000 school pupils. As this is a large undertaking, the project implementation by the Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences would not be possible without the cooperation of entities from beyond the world of science.

The Leader

The Institute of Geophysics is the leader of the project, with headquarters in Warsaw, Ksiecia Janusza Street 64. 

  • The Institute of Geophysics is a research unit within the Polish Academy of Sciences which deals with the study of various physical processes occurring on the Earth and below its surface. It runs research studies in the scope of seismology and physics of the Earth centre, geomagnetism, atmospheric physics, hydrology and polar areas.



  • Edukacja Pro Futuro runs schools and non-public institutions (with public school rights) as well as propagates and implements numerous modern educational projects.


  • AMERICAN SYSTEMS specializes in developing innovative, proprietary software to manage educational units, creating interactive educational materials and conducting interdisciplinary lessons.

  • ACCELERATED LEARNING SYSTEMS is a company which aims to bring closer the philosophy and practical implementation of solutions supporting effective learning. The company was founded and presided by Colin Rose - a British educational researcher, the world-renowned expert in the field of modern methods of effective learning.


Zielone wtorki z Scientix - seria webinariów

Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w webinariach cyklu „Zielone Wtorki z Scientix”. Co dwa-trzy tygodnie (we wtorki o godzinie 17.00) zaprosimy Państwa na spotkania online wokół tematów środowiskowych. Poprowadzą je pracownicy Instytutu Geofizyki…

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Dołącz do projektu polarnego dla szkół

Drodzy Nauczyciele, mamy dla Was i dla Waszych szkół kolejną projektową propozycję Projekt EDU-ARCTIC2 oferuje ciekawe pakiety, z którymi uczniowie mogą pracować samodzielnie lub pod Waszym okiem, a także webinaria polarne i filmy 360 stopni…

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